Booking Terms & Conditions

Terms & Conditions

This document serves as contract between the customer and the western province limited, hereafter referred to as “the company”. It is applicable for any booking made with the company, this is when a passenger makes any sort of payment and has their booking confirmed by the company.

Please read these terms and conditions carefully. These conditions and all other information on our website and in our brochures (depending on how you make your booking) set out the terms and conditions of the contract between you and The Western Province Limited (company number: 14032205) of Heart House, 1A Turkey Street, Enfield, EN3 5TT & Travel Express Group Limited (Company number: 09828852) of 467-469 High Road, Leyton, London, E10 5EL. The Western Province, British Muslim Tours, Umrah Flex, Umrah LuX, Economy + & Travel Express are trading names of The Western Province Limited & Travel Express Group Limited. When we talk about your trip in these conditions, except where otherwise stated, we mean the accommodation, transport, flights, and other trip services described by us that you book in the UK with us. Once your holiday has been confirmed we will accept responsibility for it in accordance with these conditions as an ‘Organiser’ under the Package Travel and Linked Travel Arrangements Regulations 2018. The Package Travel and Linked Travel Arrangements Regulations 2018 can be found here. Please note that we act as agent in relation to bookings for E-sims, airport parking and additional luggage or airline services and your contract for those services is directly with the supplier of the service.


The company refers to the company or companies organising and providing your tour package.

The customer refers to the person booking and or participating in the tour package.

Package refers to the complete tour package offered by the company, including transportation, accommodation, and other specified services.

The words “The Customer “, “You”, “The traveller”, “Your”, “passenger”, “Lead Passenger” will refer to the person(s) entering into the Agreement.


1.0 Bookings & Payments:

  • Customers are provided with a 48-hour window after making the initial deposit payment to cancel their booking, if the customer chooses to cancel within this time, the deposit is retained by the company as a cancellation fee. After 48-hours, the customer is assumed as intending to complete the travel and is contacted for remaining payment with which the booking will be confirmed. Upon receipt of this payment and the booking confirmation provided, the customer is liable for 90% of the package cost and liable for 100% within 14 days of travel.
  • It should be noted that payment of deposit does not guarantee travel on the chosen trip, it merely reserves the customers space for 48-hours with the flexibility to cancel in accordance with regulations 1.1. A customer booking is only confirmed after the additional 20% payment has been made and the passenger/s have been issued a booking confirmation with all details of their reservation.
  • A customer is expected to complete full payment of the package 40 days prior to travel should a payment plan be offered. In the instance this does not place, it will be assumed the customer wishes to cancel and is liable for cancellation charges as mentioned above.
  • The deposit amount is transferable and if transferred to another eligible customer within the 48-hour window.
  • The company reserves the right to at discretion offer flexibility to passengers regarding payments and offer a payment plan if it wishes to do so.
  • Any persons making a booking must be over 18 years of age at the time of booking, bookings made for anyone under the age require a person over 18 years of age to make the booking as lead passenger. The company does not accept any persons under 18 years of age at the time of departure to travel without an appointed parent or guardian.
  • When booking for more than 1 person, a ‘Lead Passenger’ should be chosen from amongst the booked travellers, it is assumed this person has consent from the other passengers to act on their behalf in regards to the booking, the company is not liable for any miscommunication between the lead and their group, It is advised that this document is shared with those within the group for their understanding of the terms and conditions and agreement of booking.
  • Travelers must provide accurate personal information and details during the booking process.
  • The company reserves the right to cancel or refuse the booking if any of the information provides is inaccurate or incorrect.
  • Travellers are required to make full payment for their package as per the agreed terms and schedule.
  • In case of non-payment, the company reserves the right to cancel the booking and apply cancellation charges including recouping any losses from payments made to suppliers.
  • Travellers may choose to make changes to their booking subject to availability and payment of the appropriate fees.
  • The company reserves the right to make changes to the itinerary, accommodations, or other elements of the package due to unforeseen circumstances. Reasonable alternative arrangements will be provided in this case.
  • If the company cancels the package before the departure date, the customer is entitled to a full refund.
  • If the customer wishes to cancel their booking, cancellation fees will apply based on the time of cancellation and terms specific in this agreement (see clause 1.1)

  • Passports, Visa & Foreign Travel Advice:


  • It is the responsibility of the passenger to ensure they have the appropriate documentation and eligibility for entry to the kingdom of Saudi Arabia and any stopover destinations for which transit is not possible or where the itinerary specifies entry to that country and the passenger will be deemed as entering said country.
  • This further extends to any other requirements for entry by the kingdom of Saudi Arabia or stopover destinations (Health requirements, undesirable passport stamps, etc)
  • The company can advise passengers on what is expected and will refer you to the UK government foreign travel advice for the destination country or stopover country but is not liable for any entry refusal by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia or any transit countries, the ultimate responsibility remains with the customer.
  • The company does not issue visas to passengers as part of the package unless specified, passengers are requested to arrange their visa via the official government channels of the respective country for which the company can provide guidance and support. The company does offer an at cost visa application service for the Saudi Arabian tourism visa which is not offered as part of the package but as a supplementary service. The company is not liable for any visa application rejections and can advise on courses of action to take if rejected.
  • Rejection of a Saudi tourist, E Visa Waiver or Umrah visa or visa of any transit countries does not nullify the customer’s commitment to this agreement.
  • Travellers are strongly advised to familiarise themselves with the cover and care provided by the Saudi tourist visa and arrange appropriate travel insurance to cover any risks or emergencies during the package.



  • Flights


  • Confirmation of seats with the airline are made for the passenger upon receipt of full payment as defined in clause 1.1. The passenger is liable and expected to adhere to the policies of the airline/s and airports used for travel to the final destination.
  • Should a passenger be denied boarding or carriage by the airline for breach of the carrier’s policies, the company holds no responsibility or liability in this instance.
  • If the passenger is denied boarding because of overbooking, the passenger is entitled to the compensation and rebooking as provided by the airline. It is outside of the control of the company to alter such a decision made by the airline and is not within the control of the company’s booking with the airline.
  • The passenger understands and agrees that once the booking is confirmed and their airline tickets have been issued, the company although an intermediary between the passenger and the airline, is not liable for decisions made by the airlines regarding the bookings for which the company has no control. (Cancellations, delays). The company will in these instances seek to offer in the case of cancellations alternative transport to the destination either through provisions by the airline or protections offered by suppliers. Alternative means if felt in the best interests of the tour may be provided. Any delays to travel not exceeding 12 hours are not deemed a major change and will not warrant any action by the company.
  • The company will support passengers and provide assistance and advice in the case of any airline decision made that is felt unfair or requiring resolution at the discretion of the company and in view of the overall best interests of the group.
  • In the unlikely instance the airline chooses to reschedule/cancel or delay a flight prior to the day of travel, the company will seek to provide alternative transportation to the destination for cancelled flights should the airline or ticketing suppliers not provide a reasonable alternative, and if felt necessary to do so in the case of delays or rescheduled flights which adversely affect the overall itinerary of the group, this will be subject to the availability provided by airlines or the company’s reservation partners. This may include with another airline with the potential of an overall longer travel time. The company reserves the right to authorise any necessary flight schedule changes for the passenger for which the overall travel time is increased by 12 hours or less. Any changes offered where the travel time exceeds a 12-hour increase prior to commencement of travel will provide the passenger the option to cancel and receive a full refund or accept the alternative itinerary. Please note that the company is not responsible for any changes made by the airlines, such changes are outside of the control of the company.
  • Should any delays occur during travel or on the day of travel, the company holds no liability for this and will continue with the planned itinerary in accordance with the airlines changes and the airlines compensation offerings to customers irrespective of the 12-hour policy in line with EU261 regulations where applicable. If the travel in question is with a separate itinerary to the final destination, where the cancellation or delay of one flight adversely affects connections and the ability to arrive at the final destination, the company will seek to provide reasonable alternatives.

  • In the event of a missed connection owing to airline delay or other factors outside of passenger control and not deemed force majeure in multi-itinerary packages, the company will arrange appropriate alternative transportation at no cost to the passenger, this does not however extend to any actions taken by the passenger resulting in a missed connection of their own doing. In the instance of a non-fault missed connection the passenger is entitled to any delay compensation (refreshments, accommodation, etc) provided by the airline. The company will advise where there is an instance where the passenger can arrange their own provisions and seek to reclaim from the airline (EU261, etc).
  • In the case of delays or cancellations where the passenger accepts the rerouting offered by the company (if different to the rerouting offered by the airline) the company will seek to recoup any losses made by the alternative arrangements through airline compensations on behalf of the passenger.

  • Hotels & Accommodations

  • Star ratings and accommodation standards are as advised by the Hotels and in line with Saudi guidelines or the guidelines or any stopover countries, please note these may not always be in line with international standards.
  • Any request by a hotel for a passenger to vacate their premises due to violation of their policies does not warrant intervention by the company, the passenger is responsible for adhering to the expectations of hotels and accommodations.
  • The company reserves the right to change a hotel to that of a similar star rating if required to do, the hotel if deemed to provide an overall lower quality of value (increased distance to the Haram, etc) will warrant the offering of compensation by the company to the customer.
  • Unless the passenger has booked a room for their group, they will be automatically assigned to a gender specific room.
  • All rooms offered are on a QUAD basis with 4 persons sharing unless specified.

  • Refunds/Cancellations & Changes


  • Passengers are entitled to withdraw from the trip after 48 Hours of payment of the deposit.
  • Passengers are entitled to a 10% refund of the overall booking if cancelling before 14 days of travel.
  • Passengers are entitled to 0% refund of the overall booking if cancelling within 14 days prior to departure.
  • The company reserves the right to cancel the bookings without refund of any passenger who displays behaviour in contrast to the passenger responsibilities as advised in this document.
  • The company is not liable for any visa refusal or immigration refusal for entry by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia or any transit country, the company is not required to provide a refund for any passenger denied entry to any countries or territories, passengers are advised to check and confirm their visa requirements and applicability prior to booking.
  • The company is not liable for refund to any passenger refused travel owing to a breach of the airlines/airports/countries laws regulations or policies.
  • Any change to the airline bookings made by the passenger without consent of the company annuls the right to any support from the company regarding the travel in question.
  • The company reserves the right to cancel any tour packages at its discretion considering any health & safety concerns or low bookings that make the tour financially unfeasible. In this case the passenger will be offered an alternative tour or full refund.
  • The company is not liable for any refund for the case of any external factors requiring cancellation defined within force majeure, this can include but is not limited to threats of or actual terrorism, adverse weather, political strife, war, technical failure. In this instance the company will seek to recover any refunds or compensation from vendors.
  • The company reserves the right to cancel a tour should the airlines cancel flights and they or the companies suppliers be unable to offer a reasonable alternative.

  • Passenger Responsibilities

  • Being participant of a group with The Western Province & Travel Express Group requires travellers to adhere to a certain set of responsibilities, it should be noted by travellers that an umrah package is not like a traditional holiday package and there can be very often instance of delays and last-minute changes outside of the control of the company owing to a range of factors including but not limited to

              – Decisions made by the Saudi government

              – Decisions made by the staff of the 2 holy mosques or local government

              – Decisions made by suppliers or vendors of the company

              – Health and safety

These changes will require strict adherence, where applicable the company will seek to replace any missed activities should it be feasible.

  • It is important that passengers contribute to the overall wellbeing of the group, the company promotes groups as a ‘family environment’ in which it is required for every person to act in a way that is considerate of others.
  • Passengers have a responsibility to respond to communications and communication requests from the company regarding their booking.
  • If the contact details of the passenger changes from those noted on the booking form, it is the responsibility of the passenger to inform us of such changes to ensure they receive up to date relevant information and details of any changes. The company will not accept any responsibility for passengers failing to monitor updates sent via email or from telephone calls not picked up.
  • Passengers are expected to uphold a high standard of consideration and care for other passengers in the group.
  • Refusal to engage with staff of the company or adhere to instructions given can result in non-refundable dismissal from the group.
  • Passengers understand that the company has a zero-tolerance policy on aggression, abuse or rude behaviour towards staff or participants. Any evidence of the above will result in a non-refundable cancellation of the booking and dismissal from the group.

  • Our Commitment & responsibilities to you

  • The company is required to provide the passenger the services advertised as defined in the customers booking confirmation.
  • The company is required to maintain clear avenues of communication to passengers both pre trip and during the trip.
  • The company is required to communicate in advance any changes to your booking.
  • The company is required to oversee the efficient delivery of the services outlined in your booking.

  • Health, Safety & Insurance


  • It is the responsibility of the passenger to exercise reasonable care during their travel with us to mitigate the chance of harm to themselves or others. The company will not be liable for any personal injury caused during your trip.
  • The passenger should check the medical cover and protections provided by the Saudi tourism E Visa and arrange any medical insurance where necessary. It is assumed by the company that any passengers booked have taken adequate precautions in the case of death, injury, or serious illness.
  • Passengers are encouraged to bring along with them enough provisions of medicines that they will require during their trip. The company can advise and guide passengers to local medical facilities and medicine vendors. Any decision to consume local medicine or consent to any medical procedures is not of the liability of the company.

  • Your Protections


  • The Package Travel and Linked Travel Arrangements Regulations 2018 require us to provide   security for the monies that you pay for ATOL protected flight inclusive package holidays booked with us and for your repatriation in the event of our insolvency. We provide this security by way of an ATOL (number 9382) administered by the Civil Aviation Authority (Gatwick Airport South, West Sussex, RH6 0YR, UK, telephone 0333 103 6350, email When you buy an ATOL protected air holiday package from us you will receive a Confirmation Invoice from us (or via our authorised agent through which you booked) confirming your arrangements and your protection under our ATOL and an ATOL Certificate. This lists what is financially protected, where you can get information on what this means for you and who to contact if things go wrong. In the unlikely event of our insolvency, the CAA will ensure that you are not stranded abroad and will arrange to refund any money you have paid to us for an advanced booking. We, or the suppliers identified on your ATOL Certificate, will provide you with the services listed on the ATOL Certificate (or a suitable alternative). In some cases, where we aren’t able to do so for reasons of insolvency, an alternative ATOL holder may provide you with the services you have bought (at no extra cost to you). You agree to accept that in those circumstances the alternative ATOL holder will perform those obligations and you agree to pay any money outstanding to be paid by you under your contract to that alternative ATOL holder. However, you also agree that in some cases it will not be possible to appoint an alternative ATOL holder, in which case you will be entitled to make a claim under the ATOL Scheme (or your credit card issuer where applicable). If we are unable to provide the services listed (or a suitable alternative, through an alternative ATOL holder or otherwise) for reasons of insolvency, the Trustees of the Air Travel Trust may make a payment to (or confer a benefit on) you under the ATOL scheme. You agree that in return for such a payment or benefit you assign absolutely to those Trustees any claims which you have or may have arising out of or relating to the non-provision of the services, including any claim against us, the travel agent (or your credit card issuer where applicable). You also agree that any such claims may be re-assigned to another body, if that other body has paid sums you have claimed under the ATOL scheme. For further information visit the ATOL website at

  • Excursions & additional services
    • Customers may choose to book supplementary services in addition to the package booking, these are provided subject to availability, the company reserves the right to cancel these at any time if they are deemed undeliverable with a full refund where applicable.
    • Any meals booked with hotels as part of your package are provided by the hotel catering services, the company takes no responsibility over quality of food, range of selection or the overall delivery of the food service.
    • Excursions and additional services are booked on a non-refundable basis unless stated otherwise, should a customer wish to cancel, they will not be liable for any refund where the company has already made provisions for the product or service.
    • Any excursions booked prior to the trip form part of your package under the Package Travel and Linked Travel Arrangements Regulations 2018

  • Special Assistance


  • It is the responsibility of the passenger to provide at the time of booking any information in relation to special assistance or reduced mobility needs required by a passenger for ease of travel, the company will advise on the assistance available both via the company or via 3rd party vendors (airport’s, airlines, etc)
  • The company where possible will offer special assistance services either at cost where necessary or free of charge, details of this will be advised at the time of booking. The company takes no responsibility for any special assistance provision by a 3rd party which fails to materialise.
  • Should a supplier refuse services on the grounds of illness or ill health or any perceived physical or mental health, we will not be liable for this or any consequences arising from it.
  • The company reserves the right to refuse any booking on the basis of feeling it is not able to meet the particular needs of a passenger.
  • Any bookings made for a passenger where assistance needs or illnesses are not advised to the company at the time of writing can result in non-refundable cancellation should the company feel it unable to meet the particular needs of the passenger.

  • If you have a complaint


  • If you have a complaint about any of the services provided during your trip, you should where applicable inform the relevant supplier for resolution (hotel, airline, etc). You should also inform the appointed tour leader or company representative who will seek to resolve any problems should you be unable to yourself directly with vendors.
  • If you issue is not resolved whilst on the trip, this should be followed up within 28 days of your return in writing to our customer service team via email at or by writing to us at Heart House, 1A Turkey Street, Enfield, EN3 5TT.
  • If you fall ill or suffer an injury whilst on the trip, you should utilise the health provisions provided by your Visa cover or any medical insurance you have taken out. You are required to provide any copies of medical reports to us immediately upon receipt of them.
  • Should you wish to make a claim against us for injury or illness, you are required to provide us details of any local medical services used, and doctors visited as well as medical services used, and doctors visited in the UK. Any evidence of exaggerated or false claims will be passed to the relevant authorities. Any claims made should include supporting evidence.

  • How we manage your data


  • We will only use your personal data for the relevant purposes as set out in our data policy. For full details of how we use your data please view our privacy policy at

  • If you have any concerns or questions about the handling of your data, please get in touch with our designated data protection officer in writing by sending an email for the attention of the data protection officer to

12.0          Call recording

12.1 We pride ourselves on the quality and friendly professionalism of our colleagues. In our search to continually try and improve our level of service, prevent, and detect fraud and for ongoing training, we may sometimes record and monitor phone calls.



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